1. List 20 people you know..
1. Nancy 2. Katie K. 3. Mike 4. Brandon 5. John 6. sydney 7. Katie 8. Danni 9. Sonja 10. Tia 11. missy 12. Krissy 13. Doug 14. Alex 15. Sara 16. Manda 17. Claire 18. Alicia 19. Cassandra 20. anna
2. umm.. fill stuff out accordingly
What if you discovered #3 was carrying your child?:: umm well it'd b the other way around and i'd be SCAREDDD
What if #4 was actually...your uncle?:: again that'd b scary...uncle brandon wow
Have you been friends with/known #1 since childhood?:: umm i've known her since 1st grade bu friends since 6th
What if you found #8 living in your basement?: I'd ask her wat she did to get kicked outta her house
Do you know # 2's phone number by heart?:: yes finally, only took me like a yr
Would #2 & #16 make a good couple?: No considering they're both girls and very different personalities
Is #3 related to you or any of your friends?: nope
Where does #3 work?:: his mommy's work
Have you ever stalked #4?:: nope sry brandon
How far does #5 live from you?: yesss like a whole state!
What type of music does #4 listen to?: umm rock i guess
What is #16's one true love?:: idk we dont talk anymore *tears* but maybe cole or orlando
Have you ever seen #15 drunk?:: no way
A good joke you and #4 shared?: hmm jiminy cricket! lol even tho he does understand it
Does #1 have any secret lovers?:: no, we all kno about it
Does #13 have Xanga, LJ or Myspace?:: hmm...i'd hafta say no way
When is #6's B-day?:: umm sept...?
Do you have anything of #7's in your room?:: yes, clothes etc that she's given to me
Give #15 a super power?:: umm....having those alice in wonderland cookies to become tall/short
How tall is #7?:: Katie...probly like 5' 5''
How old is #20?:: 15
If #9 could visit any country in the world, where would they visit?:: hmm idk, italy..? finland i guess but she goes there like every yr.
Who would #8 make a cute couple with?:: Scooby or larry but he's mine ;)
Can #10 drive?:: not yet
Have you ever snuck into #4's room?: nope
What time does #9 usually go to bed?:: hmm idk, 1130?
Do you have any pictures of #2 in your room? : yea, us in the tunnel thing at the park
When is #18's Birthday?:: ummmmm not sure
What's a magazine that #9 reads? : teen people, ym, w/e
What if #14 had the power to destroy the world?:: Alex...hmm i think he'd blow up like random stuff just for amusment
Does #12 have a website? :: i doubt it
What type of movies does #10 enjoy watching?:: comedies? idk good movies, i wouldn't doubt tia's taste
Something that #6 did that will always make you laugh?:: Playin go boat i guess
What if #11 married your brother/sister?:: that'd b unbelievably weirdddd. cuz she just got married and come on she's my coach!
Have you ever had any classes with #11?:: nope, she's 26
Is #12 in your address book?:: she's in my fone
What if #1 & #9 shared the same mother?:: nancy and sonja...again weirdddd. they're pretty different and don't know eachother
Have you ever met anyone from #12's family?: umm don't think so
What is #20's favorite sport?: skiing or like cross country
Has #11 ever broken a bone before?: umm she's torn her acl
Has #13 met anyone/know anyone in your family?: yes, my parents and grama
What is one thing you want to do with #1 before you die?:: umm idk spend a lot of time together. i wanna c her at like prom or w/e
Give #6 a hug?:: sure
What is something #14 enjoys doing?:: umm paint ball
Is #8 in your cell phone contacts?: yup
Have you ever seen #8 dressed up?:: yea at missy's wedding
Who did #15 take to their senior prom/any dance?: hmm hard to say, i'm sure she'd go tho
Have you ever had #19's cooking? :: umm don't think so but i've eaten a lot of her food
How often do you talk to #11 during the week?: : A LOT. i have practice 13 hrs a week
How old will #16 be in 2010?:: 20
Does sugar have a bad effect on #2?:: not really
Something #17 would never do?: look bad in front of a guy
Does #17 have any siblings?: i think so
Name a random thing that #8 owns?: : the greatest picture ever, of her and chocolate thunder. I borrowed it for like 2 months
Have you ever pictured #1 nude?:: umm... I would hope not.
Does #18 play any instruments?:: yea violin
Has #13 ever been to your house?: : can't say he has
Name something crazy you and #5 have done together?: well...that depends on ur definition of crazy, but umm not too much being that we dont c eachother much
Does #17 speak any different languages?:: dont think so
What if #2 proclaimed their undying love for you?: : hmm i'd be weirded out i think, she's a girl and against being gay so yea
How many lovers does #13 have?:: lmao! wow that's my coach ur talking about. but i have heard some bad stories about him from danni.
Does #4 wear contacts or glasses? :: dont think so
What if #6 gave you a $200 gift certificate?: : i'd be surprised and very excited!
Has #12 ever fallen out a window before?: : maybe but not to my knowledge.
What kind of car does #18 drive? :: idk
Imagine you're destined to marry #7, would you prevent it?: YES. she's my SISTER!
If #1 & #8 were on a island together, who would be the first to eat the other?:: I'd hafta say danni'd eat nancy first, she's more aggressive
Does #5 + Sugar=good thing?: sure, but alcohol+john=bad thing
Ever have a dirty dream about #2?:: no, sry katie
Give #3 a nickname?:: MFAT, bob