Thursday, December 29, 2005

It's so beautiful when the boy smiles...

wow I haven't update4d in forever. Well it's winter break now, umm christmas was pretty good, i got an ipod! my sister and her bf are staying with us til jan 2 so it's been kewl to hang out with her. what else...umm went to King Kong with matt, nancy, brandon, katie, alicia, mike, kasey and ali. It was good but pretty long. Then we went back to my house and hung out for a while, played apples to apples, ate pizza and such. it was a good time...a verrrrrry good time. :) Hoping new years eve will work out the same way. So i think we need to have a day where everybody brings pics of them when they were little, it'd be hilarious. nancy says brandon was really cute when he was little and i def wanna c matt with a bowl cut, hahaha. So yep that's about all I got. wow that was a boring entry.

*...But my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles, wanna hold him...maybe I'll just sing about it....cuz you can't jump the track, we're like cars on cable, life's like an hourglass glued to the table, no one can find the rewind button girl...*

<3 you!



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