Friday, December 09, 2005

nancy's random questions

so yep. it's friday. doesnt really feel like one though. Hopefully this weekend'll be fun. anyways I'm jsut bored and decided to answer the q's nancy put on her blog.

what would u love 2 do right now? sing!

what do u plan on doin this weekend? hang with people, hopefulyl certain people ;) and christmas shop

what mood r u in right now? a pretty good one, def be better if people were here

what r u listenin 2? rascal flatts, feels liek today

pick a word... lust

what do u think of this..idk life or..choices or what do u need to rant about u believe in regrets like or just movin on or? ummm not exactly sure what to put here, I sorta believe in regrets but I try not to regret a lot, because some stuff happens for a reason right


Anonymous Anonymous said...



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