Me at the lake last summer(aka my grandma's in stillwater) I really like this pic of me which is pretty amazing. look at those abs! ; )

Hey Y'all! Just thought I'd update and add some pictures. There'll for sure be more comin although I can only add em from the downstairs computer :( Anyways 22 days of school left. that's pretty awesome i guess then its off to drivers ed, gymnastics camp, iowa and chicago o and like 15 hrs a week of gymnastics practices and volunteering hopefully. I'm really excited for summer but it always goes by SO fast! Not much happening around here lately. I went to c hitchhikers guide to the galaxy on Saturday. Didn't think i'd like it, just kinda went to get outta the house cuz i was sick all weekend but it ended up being better than i expected. it's finally decent outside again, yay! Can't wait til I getta go and swim at the lake again! Gotta have some weekends out there again w/ nancy and ppl. I love it! that is totally my favorite place in the world!!!! if we ever lose it i will be devastated. Well gotta go shower and stuff. Until lata...
Madelyn Claire*
*....There's a place off Ocean Avenue where I used to sit and talk with you we were both 16 and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night...*
Hey! u got your pics to work! woot! all your hard work paid off. thanx! ya. so.........have a great day!
Hey! haha So jealous...I've always wanted abs... :-P Never had them ever! Anywho, you rock hun!
Love always, Syd
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