Thursday, May 26, 2005

Here I am To Worship

Ah tonite is a goood night. I made a list of summer goals and listened to some newsboys which eventually brought me to tears. Good tears though. I've felt pretty far from God for the most part this year except for a few times where I just felt totally lost and came running back, relying that he would just accept me and it would be like nothing had changed since summer. August of last summer I experienced faith like I never had in my life, it was so amazing and I need to get that back. I think that's why I cried tonight, I mean this cd (Adoration by Newsboys) was liek the soundtrack of our mission trip last year and listening to it made some of that faith I had come back to me. Ok so here are my goals for the summer, hopefully to be aachieved by Sept. 30th.
1. Read the books of Jeremiah and/or 1 Corinthians
2. Attend/get involved at church more
3. get my flyaway on bars
4. get my beam dismount on the high beam
5. Be able to push myself harder so I can make state next yr
6. be able to run 2 miles
7. be/had volunteering/ed somewhere
8. get my permit
9. visit and get closer to Katie
10. become more outgoing
11. think more of others
12. figure out how/what to get involved with at school next yr

ok thats it so far. i g2g. love to you all!

*...Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here i am to say that you're my God you're all together lovel all together worthy all together wonderful to me....*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a good set of goals for the summer. i hope u reach them all. and if u need any help w/ any of them let me know. any particular reason y jeremiah or 1 corinthians? jw. idk about that goal # 10 tho. you're great the way u are. i don't think u need to change. but thats just me. u should do math team next year. brandon, cassandra, and i are gonna do it. its deffinatly gonna be the partay. its deffinatly not my forte so u should do it even if u don't like math. idk if u do or not. just sayin. anywyas.....have a good evening/weekend/summer/year..etc. Peace!

8:57 PM  

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