Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You know you're from MN when...

hey thought some of this was amusing, deleted the ones I totally don't get/aren't funny.

You Know You're From Minnesota When...

The weather is usually 80% of your conversation.

When you say "down south" you're referring to Iowa.

You call highways "freeways."

You've never taken public transportation.

75% of your graduating high school class went to the University of Minnesota.

"Perkins" was the only hangout option in high school.

You assume when you say "The Cities" people know where you're talking about.

People from other states love to hear you say words with "o"s in them.

In a conversation you've heard someone say "yah sure, you betcha" and you didn't laugh.

You know what Mille Lacs is and how to spell it.

You know what "uff-da" means and how to use it properly.

The only reason you go to Wisconsin is to get fireworks.

You're a loyal Target shopper.

You've frozen your tongue on a metal handrail before.

You wear shorts when it's 50 degrees outside in March, but you bundle up and complain in August when it goes below 60.

You have gone trick-or-treating in 3 feet of snow.

You've not only walked across a lake, you've driven across one.

Everyone you know has a cabin or, at least, access to one.

You have worn shorts and a parka at the same time.

Your town isn't trying to be ironic when it plans a "winter carnival."

The temperature in March is above freezing for three days in a row, and you think it's summer.

You laugh out loud every time you see a news report about a blizzard shutting down the entire East Coast.

You never meet any celebrities except The "BODY"

You know what and where "Dinkytown" is.

You have refused to buy something because it's too "spendy."

Your town has an equal number of bars and churches.

You (or your parents) voted for Mondale.

You know that everyone has a city preference -- Minneapolis or St. Paul.

You can honestly claim Germanic / Scandinavian ancestors, and have been known to say "ya" instead of "yes"

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Minnesota.


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