Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Nothing too Important

Well I was planning to have a poem thing for u guys but i'm not in the mood so maybe later, maybe tomorrow. I LOVE the cd's I got for my birthday!!!! I'm like addicted to the switchfoot one. Here's a line from "Economy Of Mercy"

*...In the economy of mercy I'm a poor and begging man, in the currency of grace is where my song begins in the colors of goodness and the scars that mark your skin...in the currency of grace is where my song begins...*

Wow Switchfoot is so awesome!! But really no one can beat train lyrics. they may not be the best performers or singers but they can write amazing lyrics, like this for example:

*When it rains and pours and opens doors and floods the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry, and in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love that have to say goodbye. and as I float along this ocean i can feel you like notion that won't seem to let me go cuz when i look to the sky something tells me you're here with me and you make everything alright.*

Ok idk what to ramble about anymore so I'll bid you adieu and post the poem later.



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