Thursday, January 27, 2005

Too young

Too young, too little, too immature, too inexperienced.

I think thats what a lot of people think when they see me or talk to me. I say that sucks. All my life i've been too little- to stay up late, to watch certain movies, to know what's going on in my family, in my life. Now i'm not saying i want to have huge responsibilities or carry all the weight on my shoulders. but when your aunt's dying and your too young to know what's going on or to go visit because it might be too hard for a little girl to see someone like that it hurts. maybe that's what i get for being the baby of the family but i hate it, I mean i'll admit that yes it would have been hard for me to grasp some of the stuff my parents kept from me but now i feel like they kept me from my life, i had no idea what was happening to Poppy, why he couldn't remember my name and why i always had to go to a nursing home to visit him. And then one day he disappears, the nursing home visits stop and everyone's sad and sorry. Well i wasnt because i didnt know what was going on, i never knew him, i never knew him. Well now it happens again, i'm too young to go visit my own sister by myself when she moves to chicago. I'm only the freshman, way too immature for anyone who's older than me. I've gotta say if you think that you're protecting me from things by keeping me from them your wrong, your protecting me from things i need to be able to live my life.


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