Tuesday, October 11, 2005


You Know You're a Gymnast When...

*The bars you know aren't in prison.
*When asked to define a beam in science, you immediately respond "a four inch wide apparatus..."
*Your hands have more callusses than your feet.
*You judge your gymnastics video tapes.
*Your coaches see you more than your parents.
*You constantly imagine new tricks and routines you will do at practice.
*Even though you spend your friday nights and saturdays at the gym you still manage to finish dinner and homework in the car then rush and take a 2 minutes shower, change and still manage to go out w/ your friends afterwards.
*You can pull the skin off your hand without wincing.
*You're a klutz!
*You have two sets of friends, your school friends, and your gymnastics friends.
*Your boyfriend won't hold your hand because they hurt too much!
*Flipping on a four inch beam, six feet off the floor seems normal.
*Getting a new floor routine is just as exciting as winning the lottery.
*You use chalk more then soap.
*Layout doesn't refer to Tanning.


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